
We conduct research into the human interface. Human interface (HI) refers to the field of study investigating what happens between humans and other agents (computers, etc.), as well as the problems that arise through this interaction. There is no point in making devices with superior functionality if people cannot take advantage of them. HIs are needed for people to take advantage of these devices. Devices with superior HIs are easier to use, allow us to work more efficiently and with fewer errors. We can conceive of HIs that are not just easier to use, but that people are going to actively want to use. Superior HIs are needed not just for human and machine interaction, but also for human to human interaction using these devices, and as a support to help people work collaboratively.


  • Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
  • Novel Interface / Interaction or beyond the GUI
  • Awareness
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Groupware
  • Learning Support System
  • Psychology


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Published Researches

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